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The Ohio Bicycle Federation (OBF) is the only state-wide advocacy organization representing Ohio's bicyclists.

The OBF is an alliance of individuals and groups interested in promoting the use of bicycles for recreation, transportation and other appropriate purposes.

It serves by providing opportunities for the betterment of bicycle education, engineering, legislation, the encouragement of activities involving the use of bicycles and by serving as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas.
About Us
The Ohio Bicycle Federation (OBF) is the only state-wide advocacy organization representing Ohio's bicyclists. The OBF is an alliance of individuals and groups interested in promoting the use of bicycles for recreation, transportation and other appropriate purposes. Learn More
Cyclist Education
OBF sponsors Cycling Savvy courses to Ohio cycling clubs and advocacy groups. Organizations may choose either the Truth & Techniques course for cyclists or the Ride Leader Course for ride leaders. Classes will be taught by Ohio Cycling Savvy instructors and is tailored for Ohio bicycle laws. Learn More
Rider Resources
OBF provides Bicycling Development Grants ranging from $200 to $1,000. Funds can be used in educational programs, materials, and events like Bike to School/Bike to Work or Open Street Days. Learn More
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